Submit a Prayer Request
You can except JESUS as your personal Savior right now; CALL ME RIGHT NOW! 716 370.8185 I am here for you!
Are you facing a challenge right now as many are during this season of COVID-19 ? We are here for you. We believe God can do All things but fail. We are here to enfold you in loving, faith-filled , delivering Prayer. You have our commitment to serve you with sensitivity, compassion, and complete confidentiality. You may submit a prayer request online now or contact us and we will pray with you. Submit your prayer request below, and rest assured that your request is kept sacred and confidential. Every prayer request sent is received directly by the Pastor to be prayed for by the Pastor and her Prayer Team. We declare and decree by the Power of God in the Name of Jesus by the Blood of Jesus that All things are possible. Please know that we are here for you and that you are never alone. Prayer Changes Everything!
You may submit a prayer online now or contact the Pastor at TEXT 716 370-8185 or email [email protected] and we will pray for you. You can also JOIN OUR 12 NOON CONFERENCE CALL (15 MINS) 12 NOON "POWER-UP" MEDITATION & PRAYER MON-FRI @ 12 NOON Call 518 263-8988 with, Pastor Patricia A. Bufford and Team
Are you facing a challenge right now as many are during this season of COVID-19 ? We are here for you. We believe God can do All things but fail. We are here to enfold you in loving, faith-filled , delivering Prayer. You have our commitment to serve you with sensitivity, compassion, and complete confidentiality. You may submit a prayer request online now or contact us and we will pray with you. Submit your prayer request below, and rest assured that your request is kept sacred and confidential. Every prayer request sent is received directly by the Pastor to be prayed for by the Pastor and her Prayer Team. We declare and decree by the Power of God in the Name of Jesus by the Blood of Jesus that All things are possible. Please know that we are here for you and that you are never alone. Prayer Changes Everything!
You may submit a prayer online now or contact the Pastor at TEXT 716 370-8185 or email [email protected] and we will pray for you. You can also JOIN OUR 12 NOON CONFERENCE CALL (15 MINS) 12 NOON "POWER-UP" MEDITATION & PRAYER MON-FRI @ 12 NOON Call 518 263-8988 with, Pastor Patricia A. Bufford and Team